Bachillerato Students



El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte ha dictado la Resolución de 25 de enero de 2013, de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades, por la que se convocan becas para la participación en un programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España, destinadas a estudiantes de Bachillerato, de Grado Medio de Formación Profesional, de Artes Plásticas y Diseño, de Enseñanzas Deportivas, de Enseñanzas Profesionales de Música y Danza y de Idiomas de nivel intermedio y avanzado.

Más información:


Valentine’s Day


Some facts about this romantic day:

Valentine’s Day


Is there a romantic quote that you particularly like? Will you share it with us?

I’ve got one for you:

“Don’t spend your life with someone you can live with – spend it with someone you can’t live without.”


You can post your comments here or on your personal class blog at KIDBLOG 🙂

Thanksgiving Day

Eat smiley, Ham smiley, Happy smiley, Thanksgiving smiley, Eat smiley, ham smiley, turkey smiley   Can you remember what Sean told us about this popular American celebration in class?

Remember you must use the notes you took but here you can watch a video just to help you organise your ideas.

And you can also practice the vocabulary with this interactive book.

*You can send your writing to your kidblog or post it on the right page of your group here.

Hello everyone!

letter W letter e my type concho letter l letter C O Cardboard red letter m letter E exclamation mark !

Welcome to our new class blog. We’ll be working together to make it as interesting as possible, would you like to start blogging right now?

Happy blogging! See you in class…

Remember you have your own blog now, so you can publish your work on it

3 – B:

4 – A:

4 – B:
